These three words are significant for us in many ways. Obviously we are a new church plant and with young church plants comes a lot of new initiatives and vision. That is very true for us. While we are focusing our Sunday afternoon gatherings on the presence of God in worship, we are also adding kids ministry from the beginning. We are focusing on kids birth through five and want to encourage our families with older kids to worship together. This will be a new challenge for some, but it’s important to us. We will gladly embrace a little discomfort for the sake of our kids getting to watch parents and adults worship, pray, read their bible and be together as the church. For us this is critically important. Also, we plan on having regular meals together after our worship gathering. Although these won’t be every week, they will be regular, and a work in progress as we figure out the changing details of gathering and serving meals. We will need your grace and patience in this and other initiatives here in the beginning. The meal table and engaging in community are key values for us, but in this we are also just getting started. Finally, many of us are a bit older than typical church planters. I (Scot) will be 50 years old this year, with more than 30 years of ministry experience. Yet, while that may sound on the older side to some, I am just getting started. Our team is just getting started. For us, and hopefully for you too, Grace House is an opportunity to revive and reengage the simple truths of the biblical church model. We long to revive an understanding of Jesus, gospel, church and mission among the lost of Montgomery County and beyond. Among the de-churched and unchurched. Among already disciples. In all of this we’re just getting started. And we couldn’t be more excited and inspired. Since the first hours and days of my (Scot) new life in Christ, I have felt consumed with a love for the local church. God quickly confirmed that in a calling that has endured for decades. There is no organism, organization, family or collective on earth that is more important or more powerful than the local church. I will serve her until Jesus calls me home. For 30 years now, as a long-term, full-time pastor at three churches and serving many more, this passion has only grown and sharpened. After resigning a lead/teaching pastor role of over a dozen years, Jesus guided me through several years of waiting, healing, listening and learning – while, at the same time, serving hurting churches and churches in pastoral transition. Although planting churches has been on my heart for almost a decade, I was significantly hesitant and reluctant to do so myself, originally thinking I would be more of a sender and facilitator of church plants. On a spiritual soul care retreat in February 2024, after dozens of conversations, years of prayer and the strong encouragement of my wife and children, the Father gently made clear his invitation to step out in faith as a planter. Accepting and obeying was not easy and came in a journey of several months of more prayer, counsel and confirmation. Although the idea of grace house had been a seed dream in my heart for years, in the spring of 2024 it began to take root and push through, by God’s gentle grace. I remain humbly intimidated yet faithfully thrilled to gather, shepherd and lead a new family of Jesus followers, making an eternal impact in stories and expanding God’s kingdom. Beautiful aspects of God’s character and the magnificent mission He announces for His church are now colliding with the current cultural moment. Personally, my heart has never been more alive and engaged. Any way you slice it – socially, politically, emotionally, spiritually, in mission, in spiritual formation, in family, in mental health, in the church – we are in a time of great tension, challenge and attack. I deeply desire the grace house family to be uniquely positioned, equipped and released for such a time as this. We will collectively say, “Here we are, send us.” For the first time in American History, the number of churches in our country is decreasing. There are fewer seminary students now than in many decades past, and more pastors are retiring or leaving the ministry than ever before. Culturally we are now graduating students that are a part of the largest generation the world has ever seen; more lonely, more isolated, more “connected,” more medicated, less sexually-active, less mobile, natives to the immediacy of the internet and severely disrupted by COVID. Nationally, we are more societally fractured, skeptical and pessimistic than we have been since perhaps the civil war. This is our world now. The world of today still desperately needs Jesus and the freedom, healing, hope and redemption that are only found in Him. It needs the physical body of Himself that Jesus left behind – the church. It needs a church that is bold, deep, alive, equipped and engaged. These new challenges, opportunities and contexts will be answered by grace house and the individuals and churches that grace house births. Grace house will shepherd the church to passionately reengage a culture alive with the growing realities of retrograde church impact, the collapse of the family, the expansion of the global mission field, the growth of the un-churched and de-churched, and constant new cultural-political challenges to the church in the west. It into this world, right now, right here, that God has called and confirmed the birth of grace house. I strongly believe this is what God has always intended for His church. Above all, we will be all about Jesus. No other calling or dream will be bigger than being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus and going into the world with Jesus. We long to build and mature a family of believers that passionately pursue the presence of God in worship and prayer, these being central to how we love Jesus. Grace House will be a place where people encounter the Living God. We will passionately embrace the living Word of God, consumed with the work of the Holy Spirit of God to illumine the Word, conform us to it, heal us and transform us in the activation of all the Word offers. By God’s grace, we will be a praying church, a healing church, a sending church, a training church, a church that embraces the simple, the slow, deep community, meals together, rich laughter and real joy. We will be a church that loves the city well, is intentional about city leadership and the redemption of the public space. We will be a church that loves the church even more, supporting and collaborating with other local churches, constantly forsaking competition and jealousy for the glory of making Jesus famous with like-minded friends and neighbors. May I humbly ask you to pray with us that God’s specific will and calling are clear, confirmed and boldly clung to in these first weeks, months and years. Please pray for the many logistics and decisions that are involved with planting a new collection of Jesus-followers in a city. Pray for the many, hopefully a great many, souls that will be affected, invited, encouraged and transformed. Pray for our launch team. Pray for God’s mercy and power against the spiritual attacks that have already begun. Pray for God’s Spirit to do all of the glorious work He does – in us and through us – to serve the church and make much of Jesus. Scot Pollok an old kind of new church.
house an old kind of new church.
grace house
3:00pm Location:
Church Project / North County
1111 League Line Rd., Suite 102
Conroe, TXall about jesus. all about jesus.
just getting started.
01 01
the story:
There is no organism, organization, family or collective on earth that is more important or more powerful than the local church.
02 02
the calling:
Here we are,
send us.
03 03
our family:
Above all, we will be all about Jesus.
04 04
pray with us:
Pray for the many, hopefully a great many, souls that will be affected, invited, encouraged and transformed.
“The great story of the Scriptures is an epic treasure hunt — and the treasure is the perfect presence of God.”
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